
Citations in Google Scholar

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  • "Warming response of peatland CO2 sink is sensitive to seasonality in warming trends", Helbig, M., Živković, T., Alekseychik, P., Aurela, M., El-Madany, T. S., Euskirchen, E. S., Flanagan, L. B., Griffis, T.J., Hanson, P.J., Hattaka, J., Helfter, C., Hirano, T., Humphreys, E., Kiely, G., Kolka, R., Laurila, T., Leahy, P., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Nilsson, M., Panov, A., Parmentier, F. J. W., Peichl, M., Rinne, J., Roman, D., Sonnentag, O., Tuittila, E.-S., Ueyama, M., Vesala, T., Vestin, P., Weldon, S., Weslien, P. and S. Zaehle, S (Nature Climate Change, 2022, 10.1038/s41558-022-01428-z)
  • "Distinct driving mechanisms of non-growing season N2O emissions call for spatial-specific mitigation strategies in the US Midwest", Yufeng Yang; Licheng Liu; Wang Zhou; Kaiyu Guan; Taegon Kim; Jinyun Tang; Bin Peng; Peng Zhu; Robert F. Grant; Timothy J. Griffis; Zhenong Jin (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 324, 109108)
  • "Anthropogenic CO2 emission reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nanchang city, China", C. Hu, T.J. Griffis, L. Xia, W. Xiao, C. Liu, Q. Xiao, X. Huang, Y. Yang, L. Zhang, and B. Hou  (Environmental Pollution, 2022, 309, 119767,
  • "KGML-ag: A Modeling Framework of Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning to Simulate Agroecosystems: A Case Study of Estimating N2O Emission using Data from Mesocosm Experiments", L. Liu, S. Xu, Z. Jin, J. Tang, K. Guan, T. J. Griffis, M.D. Erickson, A.L. Frie, X.Jia, T. Kim, L. T. Miller, B. Peng, S. Wu, Y. Yang, W. Zhou, and V. Kumar (Geoscientific Model Development, 2022, 15, 2839–2858,
  • "Response of nitrous oxide emissions to individual rain events and future changes in precipitation", L.T. Miller, T.J. Griffis, M. D. Erickson, P.A. Turner, M.J. Deventer, Z. Chen, Z. Yu, R.T. Venterea, J.M. Baker, and A. L. Frie (Journal of Environmental Quality, 2022, 51, 312-324)
  • "The global biogeography of soil priming effect intensity" Chengjie Ren, Fei Mo, Zhenghu Zhou, Felipe Bastida, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Jieying Wang, Xinyi Zhang, Yiqi Luo, Timothy J Griffis, Xinhui Han, Gehong Wei, Jun Wang, Zekun Zhong, Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren, Xiaojiao Wang, Kailiang Yu, Fazhu Zhao, Gaihe Yang, Fenghui Yuan (Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022, 31, 1679-1687)

















  • "Interpreting the dependence of soil respiration on soil temperature and water content in a boreal aspen stand." D.Gaumont-Guay, T.A.Black, T.J.Griffis, A.G.Barr, R.S.Jassal and Z.Nesic. (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2006, 140:220-235)
  • "Influence of temperature and drought on seasonal and interannual variations of soil, bole and ecosystem respiration in a boreal aspen stand." D.Gaumont-Guay, T.A.Black, T.J.Griffis, A.G.Barr, K.Morgenstern, R.S.Jassal and Z.Nesic. (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2006, 140:203-219)
  • "Response of Net Ecosystem Productivity of Three Boreal Forest Stands to Drought." N.Kljun, T.A.Black, T.J.Griffis, A.G.Barr, D.Gaumont-Guay, K.Morgenstern, J.H.McCaughey and Z.Nesic. (Ecosystems, 2006, 9: 1128-1144)
  • "Using Continuous Stable Isotope Measurements to Partition Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange." J.Zhang, T.J.Griffis, and J.M.Baker. (Plant, Cell and Environment, 2006, 29: 483-496)



  • "Seasonal Variation and Partitioning of Ecosystem Respiration in a Southern Boreal Aspen Forest." T.J.Griffis, T.A.Black, D.Gaumont-Guay, G.Drewitt, K.Morgenstern, Z.Nesic, A.Barr (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004, 125:207-223)
  • "Measuring Field-Scale Isotopic CO2 Fluxes with Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Micrometeorological Techniques." T.J.Griffis, J.M.Baker, S.Sargent, B.Tanner and J.Zhang (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004, 124:15-29)
  • "Sensitivity and uncertainty of the carbon balance of a pacific northwest douglas-fir forest during an El Nino/La Nina cycle" K. Morgenstern, T. A. Black, E. R. Humphreys, T. J. Griffis, G. B. Drewitt T. Cai, Z. Nesic, D.L. Spittlehouse, and N.J. Livingston, (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004, 123: 201-219) (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004, 123:201-219)





  • "Synoptic and Surface Climatology Interactions in the Central Canadian Arctic: Normal and El Nino Seasons." R.M. Petrone, T.J. Griffis, and W.R. Rouse. (Physical Geography, 2000, 20: 368-384)
  • "Controls on Energy and Carbon Fluxes from High Latitude Terrestrial Surfaces." W.R. Rouse, P.M. Lafleur, and T.J. Griffis. (Physical Geography, 2000, 20: 345-367)
  • "Interannual Variablility in Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange at a Subarctic Fen." T.J.Griffis, W.R.Rouse and J.M.Waddington. (Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2000,14: 1109-1121Erratum
  • "Scaling Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange from the Community to Landscape-Level at a Subarctic Sedge Fen." T.J.Griffis, W.R.Rouse, J.M.Waddington (Global Change Biology, 2000, 6:459-473)



  • "Meteorological analysis of daily maximum ground-level ozone for the Niagara Region." A. B. Shaw and T. J. Griffis. (Physical Geography, 1996, 17: 371-399)